
Qwant is a French search engine, launched in July 2013 and operated from Paris. It is one of the few EU-based search engines and one that has its own indexing engine. It claims that it does not employ user tracking or personalize search results in order to avoid trapping users in a filter bubble. The search engine is available in 26 languages.The website processes more than 10 million search requests per day and more than 50 million individual users a month worldwide, spread among its three main entry points: the normal homepage, a “light” version, and a “Qwant Junior” portal for children that filters results.
During the development phase, Qwant searches were powered by Bing in addition to its own indexing capabilities. Qwant also confirmed the use of Bing advertising network.As of May 2021, Qwant is the 105th most visited website in France and the 1415th most visited website in the world.

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List of Top 39 Search Engines : Google and other alternatives

Cover Image For List : List Of Top  39 Search Engines : Google And Other Alternatives

Famous search engines: There is a lot of information on the Internet, and without search engines, it would be nearly impossible to find this information. When you mention the term search engine, most people automatically think of Google, and this is by no means surprising. Due to its highly personalized user experience, leading advertising platform,…