
TinEye is a reverse image search engine developed and offered by Idée, Inc., a company based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is the first image search engine on the web to use image identification technology rather than keywords, metadata or watermarks. TinEye allows users to search not using keywords but with images. Upon submitting an image, TinEye creates a “unique and compact digital signature or fingerprint” of the image and matches it with other indexed images. This procedure is able to match even heavily edited versions of the submitted image, but will not usually return similar images in the results.

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Lists containing TinEye :

List of Top 39 Search Engines : Google and other alternatives

Cover Image For List : List Of Top  39 Search Engines : Google And Other Alternatives

Famous search engines: There is a lot of information on the Internet, and without search engines, it would be nearly impossible to find this information. When you mention the term search engine, most people automatically think of Google, and this is by no means surprising. Due to its highly personalized user experience, leading advertising platform,…