
Startpage is a Dutch search engine company that highlights privacy as its distinguishing feature. The website advertises that it allows users to obtain Google Search results while protecting users’ privacy by not storing personal information or search data and removing all trackers. also includes an Anonymous View browsing feature that allows users the option to open search results via proxy for increased anonymity. Because the company is based in the Netherlands, it is protected by Dutch and European Union privacy laws, and thus is not subject to United States surveillance programs, like PRISM. began as a sister company of Ixquick, a metasearch engine founded in 1998. The two websites were merged in 2016. In October 2019, Startpage received a significant investment from Privacy One Group, a subsidiary of System1.

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Lists containing StartPage :

List of Top 39 Search Engines : Google and other alternatives

Cover Image For List : List Of Top  39 Search Engines : Google And Other Alternatives

Famous search engines: There is a lot of information on the Internet, and without search engines, it would be nearly impossible to find this information. When you mention the term search engine, most people automatically think of Google, and this is by no means surprising. Due to its highly personalized user experience, leading advertising platform,…