
Oscobo is a search engine built for the sole purpose of protecting your privacy when you search the web.

Google knows and sells what you’re looking for

Google knows the questions people wouldn’t dare to ask out loud, and it quietly offers the answers. Most search engines store every search term you type and that they create a profile based on your search history. They put you in boxes based on socioeconomic pictures. Your entire search history is kept for months so that you or your family members can be traced. Additionally, the privacy policies of the most popular search providers state that your search history may be linked to any account or email address you create (think of your Google, Microsoft, or Yahoo accounts).

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Lists containing Oscobo :

List of Top 39 Search Engines : Google and other alternatives

Cover Image For List : List Of Top  39 Search Engines : Google And Other Alternatives

Famous search engines: There is a lot of information on the Internet, and without search engines, it would be nearly impossible to find this information. When you mention the term search engine, most people automatically think of Google, and this is by no means surprising. Due to its highly personalized user experience, leading advertising platform,…