
In Greek mythology, the Charites /ˈkærɪtiːz/ (Χάριτες [kʰárites]), singular Charis, or Graces, were three or more goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity, goodwill, and fertility. Hesiod names three – Aglaea (“Shining”), Euphrosyne (“Joy”), and Thalia (“Blooming”) – and names Aglaea as the youngest and the wife of Hephaestus.In Roman mythology they were known as the Gratiae, the “Graces”. Some sources use the appellation “Charis” as the name of one of the Charites, and equate her with Aglaea, as she too is referred to as the wife of Hephaestus.

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Lists containing Charites :

List of 163 Greek Gods and Goddesses

Cover Image For List : List Of 163 Greek Gods And Goddesses

Greek mythology is filled with a pantheon (or family) of powerful gods and goddesses. The Greeks created stories about them, but they also believed that the gods were actual beings who acted like people. The most powerful Greek gods and goddesses are well known today: Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Athena, Ares, and Apollo among the gods;…